Sex Education is a Lifelong Process

If the extent of your sex education was a health class in high school, consider yourself uneducated.

That’s the belief of Dr. Sandra LaMorgese, PhD, who lists her professional specialties as life transformation, interpersonal communication, beauty, health, wellness, and sexual intimacy.  And she’s also a dominatrix.

As Dr. LaMorgese explains here, we live in a wonderful time, in which so much information is available through the internet, videos, books, and workshops.  She believes we should constantly add to our knowledge base, making sex education a lifelong pursuit.  Particularly applicable to Over 50’s, she notes we need to always consider the changes that occur in our bodies as we age.

Beyond the basics, though, it’s important to become educated on what your partner likes, which comes through good communication.  And she believes that people need to embrace a “sex positive” attitude, meaning they’re open with their partner, and ready to engage when the mood and timing are right. Sex is important, she says, because it’s not just a physical act; it’s very emotional, and can be a bonding experience.  If it’s going well, chances are the relationship will, too, and vice versa.

