Five Minutes of Daily Meditation Can Help in Your DO50

divorced over 50, meditation,

We all know that going through a Divorce is an incredibly stressful time.

Your emotions can range from white hot anger to the depths of despair. You have so much to deal with, yet it can feel like there’s barely time to breathe.

You’ve heard that meditation can be helpful, but there’s no way you’ve got an hour to sit cross-legged on a pillow chanting “ooooommmm.”

But you’ve probably got five minutes to try the method suggested by Lisa Gabardi, PhD in this post. Which, by the way, you can do in a chair at home — no need for a beach or a sunset.

Meditation has been shown to lower your heart rate and blood pressure; reduce stress; and promote clarity, calm, and compassion. It may help you think more clearly, heal your grief, and and say goodbye to bitterness and resentment.

Dr. Gabardi’s suggestion couldn’t be simpler — check it out.

