Maintaining Good Health is Important… and Easy

gray divorce, health, divorced over 50

No matter what stage of your Divorce Over 50 you’re in, maintaining your health is important. We all know that, of course — but some of us are too lazy, or have other priorities, or are so confused over conflicting advice that we give up and do nothing.

This slide show from WebMD offers some really, really simple advice for maintaining, or even improving, your health Over 50.

The piece covers all the important categories, including nutrition, physical exercise, and mental sharpness.

Here are some of the basic points; check out the article for the full details.

Exercising Your Options: Quicker May Be Better

When it comes to exercise, we’ve all heard the phrase “No pain, no gain.”

We Over 50’s know it’s important to engage in some level of exercise, though at this point we’re even less inclined to endure a lot of pain then we were way back when.

But what if we could get the benefits of exercise, with just a a bit of pain? Like seven minutes worth? Would you do it?