Did you make a Bucket List after your Divorce?
That probably wasn’t a priority during the early, Survive Phase of your process. But as you began (or will begin) to Revive, creating a Bucket List could be an important, and valuable, exercise. Just the act of looking forward to a brighter future, and setting some goals within that future, could help you Thrive sooner. Even if you eventually only check off a few of the goals, you’ll still be so much better off.
To help “prime the pump” (a phrase Donald Trump coined just last week) for creating your list, here are some rundowns from a couple other folks who’ve gone through a Divorce.
Writing for Lifehack.org, Jillian Reese offers what I’d call a “starter list,” including such standards as: go skydiving, get a tattoo, and learn to play the guitar. Not particularly scintillating, but a decent collection to get you thinking.
Adriana Velez, writing on CafeMom, offers a more specific, and more exciting, list of 50 Things To Do When Your Marriage Ends. Kicking it off with “Buy a really good vibrator,” Velez includes: become a handyman, watch the movie “Heartburn,” and smoke a hookah. She also makes some really solid suggestions that can aid in Divorce recovery, including several that have been offered on this site in other posts. Among the notable:
- Learn to say yes (to new things)
- Learn to say no (which will establish limits and help keep you from being overwhelmed)
- Learn to forgive
- Date outside your type
- Get a grip on your finances
- Meditate
So that’s a total of 70 ideas — some serious, some frivolous — to help you start making your own post divorce bucket list. What’s on yours? Please share in the comments below…