Want Hot, Ethical, Casual Sex?

From Erica of A Sexy Woman of a Certain Age, a really interesting piece about the right way to have casual sex.  Pointing out that casual sex isn’t the same as meaningless sex, Erica says it’s all about treating each other with dignity, honesty, and respect. She argues that everyone needs sex, but not everyone needs a serious, committed relationship.  As long as both parties know the ground rules, the result can be a wonderful erotic mix of lust and integrity, and there’s nothing hotter than that.


Twofer: Dating Advice For Both Men and Women

Joe Seldner writes on a variety of topics for Huffington Post, but quite often about dating and romance for Over 50’s.

Here are two pieces from him, one on Dating Tips For Men Over 50, and Dating Advice For Women Over 50.

For the men, his advice is pretty basic:  be positive and listen.  His tips for women are more complicated, including topics such as body image, money, sex, and control.  In other words, he seems to be saying men are simple, while women are complex. Anyone disagree?

If You Wanna Know if He Loves You So, It’s in His Voice…

Remember this lyric from the 1964 Betty Everett song, “It’s in His Kiss”?

“If you wanna know if he loves you so
It’s in his kiss (that’s where it is, oh yeah)”

Not to argue with that intuitive, and time-tested, line, but what if you haven’t kissed yet, and are wondering if you ever will?  Well, thanks to researchers in the UK, there may be a clue:  listen very closely to his voice. Their study says that when speaking to a woman he finds attractive, a man will lower his voice, and use more rising and falling inflection.  So ladies, if his speech becomes deeper and more sing-songy, he is warm for your form (or he’s got something caught in his throat…).

Additionally, they found that women are naturally more attracted to men who speak that way.  So it’s a win-win.


Happy 4th of July!

We want to wish everyone in the Divorced Over 50 Community a happy, fun, and safe Fourth of July weekend!

And as we celebrate our country’s independence, let’s remember to embrace our personal independence. No matter how any of us came to be Divorced Over 50, we have the opportunity to start over, wiser, more experienced, knowing ourselves better, and knowing more clearly what we want in a partner.

Let’s all take advantage of the chance to move into a brighter future, looking forward to what comes next…

What Do Women Want in Bed?

Askmen.com is a website aimed at our twenty-something sons, not those of us Divorced Over 50.  That being said, it still provides plenty of information we DO50’s can use.

For instance, here’s a piece, written by a woman, on five things women secretly want in bed.  A few seemed obvious, while others were a bit surprising. But in case you think those surprising desires were a generational thing, here’s a piece by 50ish Katie Paul saying basically the same thing.

Don’t Make These First Date Mistakes

Ken Solin is a dating coach who specializes in the Over 50 demographic.  He’s appeared on the Today Show, and written for Huffington Post, AARP, about.com, and others.  He has two books available, The Boomer Guide to Finding True Love On-Line, and Act Like a Man.

In this piece, Ken writes about First Date Mistakes, drawing on his insight from counseling clients, as well as comments that have been posted on articles he’s written. As he says, it’s not rocket science, but his article makes several points that should help increase your odds of getting a second date.

Who wants to relate their own bad date story, whether the villain or the victim?  Please click Read More and use the Comments section to tell us your tale…

The Friends — You’ll Win Some, and You’ll Lose Some

Going through a divorce means dividing up everything you acquired as a couple. The distribution of the financial assets is decided by mediation or court order; it can go easily, or be very difficult and painful. When it comes to dividing the friends, however, there is no controlling authority… and very often it’s filled with difficulty and pain.