5 Essential Nutrients For Over 50’s

Here’s a solid article about five nutrients we Over 50’s need to be sure we’re consuming. It not only tells you what you need, but includes information on why you need it, and ways you can get it.

The writer, Debra Witt, adds a really interesting point at the very end:  We are so inundated with reports about new dietary discoveries that it’s important to check them out with your doctor or a registered dietitian before making any changes. She says that many insurance plans will cover a dietitian visit just because you’re Over 50; the likelihood increases if you’re being treated for a chronic condition like diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol (and how many of us are not being treated for something like that?).  So check with your provider — it could be a great opportunity to improve your health on your insurance company’s dime.

Sex Educators Answer FAQ’s

Kate McCombs and Louise Bourchier are two sex educators who have combined forces to create a series of videos on their favorite topic, baseball. No, just kidding, their videos answer the ten most frequently asked questions they get while conducting their workshops on sex.

There’s really no direct connection to being Divorced or Over 50, but it’s clearly information everyone can use, especially those of us who are DO50. Because after all, who’s having more sex than us, right? Right..? Am I right..? Bueller..? Bueller..?

Anyway, the video below is representative of the “Team Sex-Ed” collection. The entire series is here. Enjoy… and learn something…

Must Read: Dating Over 50

Deborah Copaken is a best-selling author whose work has appeared in the New York Times, The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, and other leading publications.  Writing for The Mid, she addresses dating at our age, answering the questions she hears so often from her married friends.  Topics include how she finds dates, what she does on the dates, and, of course, sex.

Beyond the nuts-and-bolts, though, she expresses her philosophy about relations, love, and marriage with tremendous clarity, maturity, and honesty.  This piece is not only perfect for our Di-Curious (Divorce Curious) users, it’s extremely valuable to any single person Over 50.  In fact, in the long and illustrious life of Divorced Over 50 (two and a half weeks!), Deborah’s piece is the first to be declared a Must Read.



Newsflash: Over 50’s Are Discerning About the People We Date

USA Today reports on a survey commissioned by the Over 50 dating site Ourtime.com, and guess what they found — we’re actually discerning about the people we want to date!  Yes, we will not go out with just anyone! The top deal breakers are poor health, uncertain finances, and physical unattractiveness, with about 75% of respondents citing those factors.  Not surveyed was the percentage of Over 50’s who say extravagant finances go a long way toward making up for a lack of attractiveness.

There’s more in the piece concerning attitudes about being amicable with your ex, and getting married again.  It’s worth a quick look.

Sex Life Not Meeting DO50 Expectations?

We all know the cliche about married couples almost never having sex.  And many of us not only know it — we actually lived it in our marriages.  Does the term “Roommates who raise children” resonate with anyone out there?

What about now as a Divorced Over 50?  Is your sex life living up to your expectations?

If you’d like to be having more sex, with more partners, here’s a piece from High 50, a website in the United Kingdom, with ten suggestions for getting more action.  As they say across the pond, Tallyho!

Losing Friends After Divorce: There is an Upside

There’s just no way around it: when you get divorced, some weird stuff is gonna happen with your friends. Some may side with you, some may choose your spouse, others may want nothing to do with either of you. Regardless, there’s an excellent chance your social life is going to take a hit.

This article from First Wives World suggests that your new found alone-time may actually be a good thing. And it argues that the friends’ reaction says more about them and their issues than it does about you and yours.  As the name of the website suggests, the article is aimed at women, but there’s no reason men can’t benefit from checking it out as well.