Sex Advice From AARP… Wait, What?

Most of us think of AARP as the organization that sells a Medicare supplement and offers a 15% discount at Outback Steak House.  Who knew they were also there to teach men how to help their female partners reach orgasm?

Yep, this article says that men don’t “give” women orgasms; instead, men can help create the right environment that allows the woman to have an orgasm.  And it offers six specific suggestions for doing just that.

Guys, you’ll find some good ideas to put into practice; and ladies, perhaps the article will help you identify what may be missing, and guide your partner toward meeting your needs.

Over 50 On-Line and Speed Dating

Most of us think of CNN as the place for 24 hour coverage of missing airliners, but here’s a story from its website on a topic that can be just as mysterious: on-line dating.

The writer, Ronni Berke, says she let her fear of something bad happening, like disappointment or heartbreak, keep her from even trying to meet new people.  Finally, after seven years, she decided that avoiding any bad was also preventing any good.  So she took the plunge, trying on-line and speed dating. She describes her experiences with both, and offers some tips about each.

Please use the Comments section to describe your experiences in the on-line and speed dating world.  Did it work well for you, or was it a flop?  Any suggestions for improving the odds?

To Shave, or Not to Shave… That is the Question

Okay, we’re all adults here, right?  So let’s speak frankly: Many Divorced Over 50 types went two or three decades with just one sexual partner, their spouse. (or, if they had other partners, perhaps that’s why they are now Divorced Over 50…).   And in that time, certain styles, and trends, and norms have changed. Which, as we older folks begin new relationships that include intimacy, can cause some anxiety.  As in, so what the hell am I supposed to do with my pubic hair?  

“…the Sexual Power of Boomer Women.”

The blog “A Sexy Woman of a Certain Age” is run by Erica, a woman in her fifties, who created the site “to ignite a conversation about the sexual power of boomer women.”

This particular post is an interview with boudoir photographer Lori Berkowitz about why she prefers shooting women over 50.  There are photos included; depending on where you happen to W, the shots may be NSF.

And ladies, when you are in a non-work situation, be sure to check out the entire blog.  Erica has provided a wealth of interesting and valuable information. (Guys, no need to tell you to check it out — you’re probably clicking the link at this very moment…)


On Track For Retirement?

Walter White had a great retirement plan — well, except for how he accumulated the funds.  The vast majority of Americans, however, are woefully unprepared for retirement. Add the financial effects of going through a divorce, and many of us are looking at working longer, living on less, or both.

IRA’s and Keoghs and QDRO’s, Oh My!

A Divorce Over 50 quite often means dealing with much more complicated financial issues than those faced by younger couples.  Many people in our demographic have built up retirement plans, acquired real estate, maybe even own a business.  Here’s a very thorough article highlighting the different financial factors most Over 50’s need to consider when going through a divorce.

Nutrition Tips For Women Over 50

Mehmet Oz, who is a real doctor and who plays one on TV, has attracted a fair amount of criticism lately, including being hauled before a Senate subcommittee. Oz has been accused of conflicts of interest, making recommendations that are either unproven or contradicted by the evidence, and endorsing supplements and weight loss fixes that don’t actually work.

All that being said, there’s still plenty of valuable information on his website, including this piece containing five nutrition tips for women over 50.  Kristin Kirkpatrick, the dietitian who wrote the piece, notes that women Over 50 need to adjust their diet to compensate for the hormonal, cardiovascular, and muscle changes that are taking place.  Check out her simple suggestions, which she says will help women Over 50 maintain their strength and their weight, and keep their hearts healthy.