Thinking About a Dating Coach?

Lisa Copeland, who runs the Find a Quality Man website, calls herself “The dating coach who makes finding love after 50 fun and easy.”  Lisa came to be an expert the old-fashioned way: she earned it.  Frustrated by the men she was meeting after a divorce, she immersed herself in everything she could find about dating, and in less than a year was seeing the kind of quality men she’d been hoping to meet.  Soon friends were asking for guidance, and next thing she knew a business was born.  

Men Speaking Truthfully… No, Really

Wanted to mix it up with a video about dating Over 50.  And frankly, most of what’s out there is very amateurish, people just talking into the camera, not making a whole lot of sense, losing track of where they are in their list of points, even getting interrupted by barking dogs.

This video from is a very well done, professional piece. It features a few men talking with an interviewer about what they’re looking for, and a group of women discussing their experiences with a (male) therapist.  It’s worth the six minutes or so to take a look (and you won’t need your reading glasses!).

Table For One

To me, one of the hardest parts about being divorced is spending so much time alone.  I know some people
love it; they don’t have to deal with anyone else, they can sit around in their underwear, they can unleash their bodily functions as the need strikes…

An easy solution, of course, is to get out of the house and do something.  But a lot of people choose not to go by themselves, whether to a movie, a museum, out to eat, etc. They believe the activity won’t be as much fun if done solo, and also fear being seen by others as loners with few friends.

Over 50 Dating Faux Pas

From the Ann Brenhoff of the Huffington Post, 25 Dating Turn Offs that come up when you’re Over 50.  Can’t say any of these ever happened to me, and am proud to say I never committed any of these faux pas, either.  (I actually checked, and the plural of “faux pas” is spelled the same as the singular. If you were saying it, though, singular is pronounced foh-PAH, while the plural is pronounced foh-PAHZ — see all the great info you get on this site?)

Regardless, it’s a cute, short piece, so check it out.  Have you committed one of these?  Or had one happen to you? Please discuss in the Comments on the next page by clicking Read More…

Social Security and Your Ex

Personally, I find it hard to believe I’m merely a handful of years from being eligible for Social Security.  Maybe you feel the same way.

Did you know that if your marriage lasted at least ten years, you may be able to receive benefits based on your ex-spouse’s earnings?  And did you know that if your ex-spouse has died, you may be able to collect a survivor benefit?

Below the jump, I’ve excerpted a section from an investment email I receive.  It makes no sense to credit the firm that sent it to me, and since they don’t say who really wrote it, I can’t credit them.  But do take a look, as it’s important information that could make a difference for your financial future  And if you have questions, post in the Comments section and we’ll see if the community can respond…  

“Female Viagra” Is No Miracle Drug

As we just dealt with improving male sexual response, it’s now the ladies’ turn (and we’ll pass up the obvious joke opportunities…).  You may have heard that an FDA panel has recommended approval of the drug Flibanserin, popularly known as Female Viagra.  Which sounds great. Except, as as this article from Vox explains, the drug offers very minimal results (one additional “sexually satisfying event” per month) with a pretty high chance of side effects (low blood pressure, dizziness, fainting).  Critics call the whole thing a marketing ploy by Big Pharma, just looking for a new product to sell.

Can Sex Get Better As We Age?

Never too old for great sex is the theme of this article from  It’s aimed at guys, but women may want to check it out, too. And whether male or female, do your Kegels while you read it, and you’ll both be better off…

I don’t know if it’ll come up this way on your browser, but on mine the post was accompanied by a huge ad for Cialis.  I guess that’s Plan B if the article doesn’t help…

Homer and Marge Separating? D’oh!

Because they never age in the show, Homer and Marge Simpson are not in our demographic.  But the show’s been on 26 years, and they had to be thirtyish when it started, so I say it’s fair to claim that in “reality” they’re Over 50.  And sure enough, in the upcoming season, they’ll legally separate, with Homer falling in love with someone else.

This plot development could simply be viewed as a way to spice up a show that’s been around since Bush 41 (and may have seen its best years during Clinton 42).  Or, as The Atlantic does, you can be infuriated because this choice is blowing up the longest-running marriage on TV.  The writer, Megan Garber, cites the “reacher-settler” theory, saying that in all relationships one party is reaching for someone beyond what he or she merits (Homer), while the other party settles for someone not as good as he or she deserves (Marge).  

What Dating Sites Are You Using?

I went searching for reviews of dating sites for folks over 50, but really struggled to find a post that was clear, unbiased, and didn’t exist solely for affiliate marketing.  Until I came across this interactive article from Liz Stock. Liz has laid it all out beautifully — click on the statement that best describes you and what you’re looking for, and you get a list of of relevant sites, details about them, and suggestions for using them best.  Seriously, this is a great resource. And if you use it, please click the links she provides, as that helps her receive some compensation.

Have you used the “mainstream” sites like Match, e-Harmony, and OKCupid? How has that gone for you? I’ll note that Liz does not include Tinder.  Are you using it?  Is it working for you?  Click below, and please tell your story in the Comments…

The Drug Store at Our Age: Awkward!

Had dinner with my friend Andy last night.  He’s in his sixties, looks and acts much younger.  Widowed a few years ago, Andy’s begun dating, so we always compare notes.  In fact, via, he was in touch with the same woman who had emailed me she looked great naked, but turns out neither one of us got the chance to confirm her opinion.

Passing by a CVS on the way to eat, Andy mentioned how awkward he feels going into a drug store to buy condoms.   With all the choices available now, you need to carefully study the various packs, but the longer you stand there fondling the merchandise, the more embarrassing it is.  Of course, as teenagers, having to ask the pharmacist for a pack was pretty embarrassing, too.  Anyone else remember a particularly funny scene in the 1971 film, “Summer of ’42”?

To me, the easiest solution is to buy them on amazon.  Read all the info on all the styles, read the reviews, make an informed decision from the comfort and privacy of your home.

Click below and use the comments section to tell us your condom stories, and your suggestions for buying them.  And ladies, do you buy them, too?  Please share on the next page…