First Love, Take Two!

On-line dating has opened up a whole world of possibilities  for Divorced Over 50’s looking for love.  Call it the “new school” approach.  As it turns out, though, many single people of our generation are having great success going old school — literally. 

Beware of On-Line Dating Site Scams

It’s fairly well accepted that everyone fudges the truth a bit when it comes to on-line dating. Maybe you use a profile picture taken last decade, list your body type as “athletic” when “a few extra pounds” is more accurate, or claim to love literature when the last thing you read was a cereal box. But there are a lot more serious lies being told on on-line dating sites, resulting in real damage.  

How Honest, How Early?

So you’ve met somebody fabulous, and things are going great.  It’s only natural you’d want to avoid saying anything that might create an issue or make you less appealing.  But did you ever consider that not being fully honest could actually do more harm than good? 

You Can Find True Love Again as an Over 50

Getting a Divorce Over 50 creates any number of worries:  you worry about how it will affect your children, what it’ll do to friendships, the hit your financial future will take.  And you worry about whether you’ll ever find someone to love again. As it turns out, that Divorce Over 50 may allow you to find the greatest love of your life. 

Make Your On-Line Profile Shine

Are you doing on-line dating but not getting the results you’re hoping for?  Maybe you’re using the wrong pictures. Maybe your write-up isn’t all it could be (while still staying basically true…).  Maybe you’re literally sending the wrong message when you start emailing with a potential date. Luckily, there are experts for this topic.