Online Dating Advice From a Grandma

What in the world could a grandmother teach any of us about online dating? Well, if that grandma is London based journalist Monica Porter, quite a lot.
What in the world could a grandmother teach any of us about online dating? Well, if that grandma is London based journalist Monica Porter, quite a lot.
Divorce, as we all know all too well, is an extremely stressful event. You feel it as a significant loss, but the rest of the world expects you to just carry on with business as usual. There’s no time off from work, there’s no ritual where your loved ones gather to offer support. Meanwhile, you’re hit with all the burdens of divorce: the meetings, the calls, the gathering of financial records, all the decisions you have to make. Even a solid, squared-away person can become a raving lunatic.
But could understanding what’s actually happening in your brain during a divorce help you cope better?
Ah, the fix-up. The time-tested, totally analog method of finding a date. It may have led to your first marriage, your parents’ marriage, their parents’ marriage, ad infinitum. But many Over 50’s say they’re not having any luck getting fixed-up these days. Is there a way to do it better?
On-line dating has opened up a whole world of possibilities for Divorced Over 50’s looking for love. Call it the “new school” approach. As it turns out, though, many single people of our generation are having great success going old school — literally.
Are you and your ex still working out your property settlement? Do you co-own a house that one of you wants to keep? If so, someone has to buy out the other. And that’s when the fun begins.
Being Over 50 means we don’t have to worry about Sexually Transmitted Diseases, right? So there’s really no reason to practice safe sex, right? Wrong and wrong!
Getting a Divorce Over 50 creates any number of worries: you worry about how it will affect your children, what it’ll do to friendships, the hit your financial future will take. And you worry about whether you’ll ever find someone to love again. As it turns out, that Divorce Over 50 may allow you to find the greatest love of your life.
Are you doing on-line dating but not getting the results you’re hoping for? Maybe you’re using the wrong pictures. Maybe your write-up isn’t all it could be (while still staying basically true…). Maybe you’re literally sending the wrong message when you start emailing with a potential date. Luckily, there are experts for this topic.
It’s such a natural and obvious question on a date with someone new: “Why’d you get divorced?” But have you ever thought about how your answer could affect what happens next?
The last time many Over 50’s dated, on-line wasn’t an option — we had to do it the old fashioned way. And maybe going that way again isn’t such a bad idea.