Can “Thinking Young” Keep You Young?

The New York Times Magazine ran a long and detailed article last Fall focusing on the work of Harvard Professor of Psychology, Ellen Langer.  Dr. Langer believes that people can heal, or rejuvenate, themselves through the use of a psychological “prime” that triggers the body take curative measures all by itself.

Seven Deadly Financial Sins of Divorce

Did you end up with the house in your Divorce settlement?  Though it may not turn out as badly as it did for a very young Shelley Long and Tom Hanks (above), Investopedia suggests you think very hard about whether it makes financial sense to hold on to it.  This article may be of more value to someone in the process of Divorcing, or who’s considering it, but it’s still worth a glance even if your Divorce is long since settled.  Hit the READ MORE button to comment on the financial challenges you’ve faced, and successes you’ve achieved…

Creating Your On-Line Profile

Came across a blog called Head-Heart-Health, written by Katie Paul.  She sounds like a really interesting woman, who’s been through a lot, but come out stronger and wiser.

She’s written a great four-part post on creating your best possible on-line dating profile.  It’s aimed at women, but I think guys can profit from reading it, too.  In fact, I wish I’d seen her piece before my own attempt at on-line dating.

Gray Divorce is Real

Three pillars of American journalism all agree:  Gray divorce is a real thing.  You already knew that, of course, or you wouldn’t be here.  Links to the articles, and take-aways from them, on the next page…