Forgiveness is one of the most important steps a person can take in working through the Three Stages of his or her Divorce. Whether it’s forgiving a spouse who wronged you, forgiving yourself for the role you played in the Divorce, or a combination, it’s only to your benefit. Holding on to anger and pain only hurts you, and can affect your future relationships.
As we know, however, it’s easier said than done. And especially if you were the victim of a betrayal, it can be very difficult to reach that point of letting it go.
Typically, articles on this topic would come from mental health professionals writing for sites dealing with personal health and growth. But here’s a piece on the topic of forgiveness from an unlikely source, a family law attorney and mediator named Shawn Weber. And Weber’s reason for writing it is very clear — he’s promoting his law office.
But so what? He offers some excellent advice. His piece also includes a few videos; one is particularly powerful and heartbreaking news story about a father who forgave the man who murdered his son. If he could do that, what’s keeping you from (eventually) forgiving your ex for what he or she did to you?