Feeling Guilt is Natural, and Can Be Dealt With

divorced over 50, guilt, guilty,

Whether you wanted your Divorce or not, whether you or your ex drove the process, you likely feel some guilt over the fact it happened. It wasn’t the plan. You feel you let down your kids, your family, your friends.

Guilt just is a part of the Divorce process. The question is, how are you going to deal with it? 

Good Grammar Counts When Dating Online

Yes, we have been a bit heavy with the online dating posts lately. But this is peak dating season, as we’ve just started the New Year, and have Valentine’s Day just weeks away.

So, if you’re in the Thrive phase, and you’re doing online dating, the folks at Grammarly want you to know that good grammar does count. Check out their (not “there” and not “they’re”) handy infographic for more detail.    

Take Advantage of the Opportunity to Reinvent Yourself

If you’ve spent any time at all looking over this site, you’re well aware of our philosophy regarding a Divorce Over 50:

“It wasn’t the plan, and it isn’t ideal, but my Divorce Over 50 let me hit the reset button, be the person I want to be, and now I’ve moved forward into a bright, exciting future.”

Of course, there’s no requirement to make changes after your Divorce. Maybe you’re perfectly happy with who you are, what you do, and how you live. As they say, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

But many Divorced Over 50’s will want to make some changes. Which brings up an obvious, but no less important, question: How do you go about reinventing yourself?  

DO50 Sexual Desire: Has it Changed Over Time?

sex, divorced over 50,

The conventional wisdom says that when it comes to sex, men respond to visual stimulation, while women need an emotional connection.

Guys are shallow, they want it all the time — give ’em one flash of cleavage and boom, they’re ready to go! On the other hand, women are deeper; they insist on feeling connected, embraced, even loved before they can respond sexually.

You’ve heard stuff like that, right? The woman doesn’t want it, so it’s up to the man to seduce her.

Maybe you experienced that when dating back in your twenties. Perhaps it was even true during your marriage.

But how about now, as a Divorced Over 50? In our situation, does that old way of thinking hold up?

Wintertime, and the Dating is Easy…

divorced over 50

For most of us, the Christmas/Hanukah and New Year’s holidays embody a number of traditions: Spending time with family (while trying to maintain sanity), making resolutions (which never get kept), watching college football bowl games (that are rarely very exciting).

And now, according to industry experts, there’s another seasonal tradition: It kicks off a boom in online dating.

A number of factors contribute to the uptick in online activity. Perhaps the disappointment of being alone over the holidays is inspiration. Some might even make going online a New Year’s resolution. And the cold weather may play a part — it’s only natural to want someone to stay in and cuddle up with.

So, if online dating is part of your plan, are you ready? 

DO50 Women: Beat the Odds and Find That Great Guy

Have any of you Divorced Over 50 women ever said something along the lines of, “There just aren’t any great guys out there for me to date”?

Or, if you haven’t actually said it, have you thought it? It seems like a pretty widespread sentiment — the kind of thing you hear a lot. The real problem, though, is that when a woman accepts that belief and throws in the towel, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Instead, what if she flipped the script and took control of the situation?  

Resolve to Get Organized — It’ll Help You Inside and Out

So, what New Year’s resolutions did you make this year? The usual, like lose weight? Or maybe go to the gym three times a week? Get more sleep?

What about getting organized? If it wasn’t already on your list, you might want to add it now — which is okay, because everyone knows the resolution grace period is in effect as long as people are still wishing you a happy new year.

Particularly for those of us who’ve going through some struggles (like a Divorce Over 50), removing the physical clutter in our lives can also help us accept change and move forward. In other words, straightening up what’s on the outside can help us fix the mental mess on the inside. 

Which Way to Go: Divorce or Legal Separation?

If your Divorce has already worked its way through the court system, this post won’t do you much good (though it will have info you can pass along to others, or keep in mind if your next marriage doesn’t work out, either…)

But if you’re Divorce-Curious, still living together though someone’s leaving soon, or in the initial stages of your split, you will be faced with an important decision: File for Divorce, or start with a legal separation? Different states have different laws, so your location may affect your choices. But if you have an option, there are a number of factors you may want to consider.

Vital Step: Speak in Your Own Voice Again

The point of this website, its reason for being, is to help as many people as possible move through their Divorce Over 50, eventually reaching the point where they can say:

“It wasn’t the plan, it isn’t ideal, but my Divorce Over 50 let me hit the reset button, be the person I want to be, and I’ve moved forward into a bright, exciting future.”

In order for that to happen, the DO50 needs to work through a three stage process:

Survive… Revive…Thrive.